The Caleb Effect

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"Be Nice"-Take 1

As I mentioned a week ago, Adam and I will no longer be counting the months since the worst day of our lives. Beginning today, we will be celebrating every 9th of the month with random acts of kindness in honor of the 9th of February, 2014 when we received life’s most perfect blessing. We would love it if you would celebrate with us and share it on The Caleb Effect Facebook page, too.
I remember being a child and picking "flowers" for our elderly neighbor, Beulah. My sisters and I carefully selected clusters of purple henbit and dandelions from our five-acre backyard, and assembled handfuls of the most colorful bouquets we could find. We rang the doorbell and proudly waited for the outspoken grandmother with a sharp tongue to let us in. I'm sure it didn't take long for our gifts we had proudly presented to be deposited in the trash, but I realize now that the beauty was not in the flowers. The weeds that littered our yard could be found any day we hunted them, but the smile on Beulah's face when we came to visit could not.

Who will you make smile today? Being kind doesn't cost a dime, and children of all ages can bring magic to our world.  

Print a template here in loving memory of our sweet Caleb and “be nice” in his honor today.

Check Caleb's Facebook page tonight to see the ways Caleb is still bringing simple joy to his neighbors, too. 
