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Nice on the 9th for Seniors!


COVID-19 hasn't been nice for anyone but it's been especially unkind to seniors. We are teaming up with Brookwood Skilled Nursing & Therapy to provide penpals and a few little gifts for their residents.

We will also be writing notes/drawing pictures, chalking the sidewalks and creating care packages OUTSIDE (dress accordingly) Brookwood from 4-6pm on Nov 9th.

Caleb LOVED older adults so let's show The Caleb Effect love by bringing adult coloring books, large print word searches, hairbrushes, scented lotions/powders, cologne and any other item a senior may enjoy.

If you are interested in becoming a penpal, please address your letter to:
940 SW. 84th
OKC, OK. 73139
Next, a resident will receive it & write you back! Make sure to have a return address and let them know The Caleb Effect sent you!

See you on the 9th!



The Caleb Effect Is Turning 2!


The Caleb Effect Foundation is turning 2! We are super bummed we don't get to have a big celebration with you in person but our first priority is keeping everyone safe. With so many having the worst time of their life, we need you more than ever to be Nice on the 9th! May 9th we will be supporting our local friends at Vito's (who graciously let us take over their restaurant a few months ago) and delivering meals to those working in healthcare. No matter where you are, we want to see how you send a meal or send some love "2 go" for our 2nd birthday being an official 501(c)(3) charity. Medical professionals, your sanitation workers, grocery store employees, truck drivers, lonely neighbors, military members, teachers or anyone else who needs some extra TLC will be grateful. Tag us in your pictures and use #CalebEffect with your handwritten (or chalked) notes, or doing another act of kindness on the 9th. Don't forget, we have printable messages of kindness to include as you are being Nice on the 9th!

Thank you for supporting Caleb and us in his mission. We are forever grateful "2" have you on our Caleb Effect crew.



"C-A-L-E-B...and Caleb is his name O"-Birthday BINGO Feb 9th

Six years ago today a sandy-haired angel was due.
Six years ago I knew my life was about to be changed in all the best ways.
Six years later I still know a love greater than any other. Caleb’s love was innate, powerful, and pure. It forever changed me in all the best ways despite living every day through all the worst. I will always be grateful our Caleb Lennon lived and changed not only me, but you too. That is something May 2nd, 2016 will never be able to steal.

February 9th is a day we will never forget and it would mean the world if you don't either. Usually we mark the 9th of every month by going out into the community and sharing Caleb's love publicly. However, we've learned our limits. Days like this are just too gut-wrenchingly painful to try to put on a happy face, so we need your help. We will still be celebrating Caleb's beautiful life in our own way, but we would LOVE it if you would too. If you want a fun way to remember Caleb and to spread the love that Caleb gave so freely to everyone, join us to play BINGO, Caleb style!

I'm posting the CALEB/BINGO game now so you have time to think of what you want to do, but THE GAME DOESN'T START UNTIL CALEB'S BIRTHDAY ON FEBRUARY 9TH! 

Mark off one square, a row, or play for blackout!! I will never think of Caleb as any older than 2 but since this would've been his 6th birthday, 6 PRIZES will be drawn and sent to those who complete a “CALEB” and comment either here or on his social media pages (bonus points for wearing your shirt and including pictures)!

We are excited that Caleb has made so many new friends and hope you feel him singing and clapping for you as you spread his love to a world who desperately needs it.

