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Nice on the 9th for Schools

Nice on the 9th for Schools.jpg

Next month Caleb would be heading to his first day of first grade. We can't send him with a superhero backpack and fresh mohawk haircut but we CAN make sure his love radiates through the halls of schools near and far.

We have decided to make August 9th an annual school supplies drive! From 2-4pm we will be collecting supplies/monetary donations at the India Shriners (3601 NW 36th St, OKC) for Putnam City and Oklahoma City Public Schools (online and contactless options available).

This year it is even more critical to support our schools as COVID-19 has created devastating shortages while eliminating the option to share supplies.

As we do with every event, we will be including handwritten notes of encouragement. Write a few at home and mail them, drop them off or come make your own creation 6 feet apart.

*OKC Public Schools has a new way of purchasing supplies at wholesale prIces in order to maximize our impact and help as many children as possible. Their special rate allows your donation of $20 to purchase $60 worth of supplies! To help purchase supply kits in bulk donate to OKC Public Schools via this link or donate in person on the 9th! We will close our special link on the 10th and announce the total!

To support Putnam City Schools please bring Lysol spray (the goal is 2,000 cans which represents one can per teacher), reusable face masks or hand sanitizer. To make a donation directly, visit

We will also be drawing for four $50 gift cards to be gifted to public teachers (one winner for a pre-K-1st grade teacher, one 2nd-5th, one 6th-9th and one 10th-12th) for their classroom (no matter where they live)! To be entered they must like The Caleb Effect Facebook page and comment with the school and grade where they teach (and share for extra credit ;)!
*If you were a winner last year, please sit this one out but share this with your teacher friends.
